Policies / Forms

 Enrollment - Welcome!

We are so excited to welcome you into our Treehouse family! Below you will find everything you need for enrollment.

If you have any questions please email director@thetreehourlychildcare.com


Registration Forms

These files are here as a quick and easy resource for you, but they do not make up the entire enrollment packet. You will be given an enrollment packet at the time of acceptance into the center. Once you have been given a confirmed start date, just bring in the completed registration packet for your child’s age group and leave the rest to us.



Medication Forms

The Treehouse is authorized to administer medication.

Below are forms for your convenience. All Medication must be prescribed by a doctor.

Medication Consent Form

Medication Consent Form Prescribed


Parent Handbook

Our parent handbook includes details like our sick child policy and holiday closures, with a little bit of everything in-between. If you find that you have any questions the parent handbook is a resource available to all of our families.

Parent Handbook Updated July 2023


We serve breakfast, lunch, and PM snack according to CACFP



Bad Weather Policy

Every effort will be made to remain open during snow emergencies. If the center must remain closed, open late, or close early, every attempt will be made to reach parents by phone and the announcement will be posted on Facebook and reported to WWNY TV 7. Parents may call the office at any time to check the operating status.


Sick Child Policy

In an effort to protect all children the educators follow health guidelines and promote healthy practices among the children. Our program will accept children who exhibit symptoms that are under the OCFS’ “Mildly Ill Children” category which states:

A child who meets any of the following criteria is defined as “mildly ill”:

  • The child has symptoms of a minor childhood illness which does not represent a significant risk of serious infection to other children. Examples: colds, ear infections, or low-grade fevers (a temperature of no more than 101 degrees).

  • The child is able to participate in the routines of your day care program with only minor accommodations, such as giving them special foods to eat, more time for naps or quiet play.

  • The care of the mildly ill child does not interfere with the care or supervision of the other children.

It is understood that children get sick and parents need to continue to work. The well-being and health of each child enrolled is a priority. A child is considered too sick for attendance if the illness:

  • Effects the time an educator can be with the other students

  • Has contagious virus or infection

  • Involves excessive diarrhea or vomiting

  • Presents a fever over 100.4F (a degree is added if temperature is taken axillary)

A physician’s note indicating that the child is no longer contagious may be required before the child may return to the program. Parents will be notified when a child becomes ill and are asked to remove the child from the program within one hour. While awaiting the parent’s arrival the child will be made as comfortable as possible and every effort will be made to quarantine the illness.

In the event of a serious illness, a note will be posted in the entryway detailing the date, symptoms, and which group was exposed. When warranted, per the EEC list of contagious illnesses, a letter detailing the illness will be sent home to parents.

ALWAYS CALL when you know your child will not be in attendance. In this way, we can work with you to keep your child safe. We will make every effort to call you if your child does not show up and we have not heard from you.


Events Calendar

September 2024


August 2025