Universal PreK

We partner with the Watertown City School District to offer Universal PreK to 3 and 4 year old children living in the WCSD. This is a FREE program that runs from 8am-1pm during the school year.

To be eligible your child must:

Turn 3 or 4 on or before December 1st of the school year

Live within the WCSD limits and show proof of residency

To apply visit the subsidies page of our website here!

Our UPK classrooms:

The Treehouse Child Care Center 1635 Ohio Street

Ms. Brittany - 4 y/o

Ms. Lizzy - 3 y/o

Ms. Lisa - 3 y/o

Ohio Street Elementary School

Ms. Althiser - 4 y/o

Ms. Estal - 4 y/o

We offer wrap-around care for ALL of our classrooms!

*Additional rates apply - DSS will cover wrap-around rates - wrap around slots are limited*